Disney Workshop

Hours- 1 Hour


This workshop took place on 22.03.21

The workshop focused of the changes that Disney has made due to the coronavirus pandemic, not only to keep their guests safe, but also their employees. It also discussed the five main keys used to ensure custsomer satisfaction across the parks. 

A few examples of the safety measures that have been put in place are limiting guest capacity, strict cleaning procedures, dividers used in queues and distanced parking in the car parks. There has also been many measures placed to ensure the safety of their staff, some of these include distribution of personal thermometers, onsite COVID-19 testing centre, personal hand sanitisers and themed pixie dust face coverings available. 

This webinar showed the amount of group effort needed in such an enourmous company to ensure customer satisfaction, and in this case a magical experience for all guests. 


Customer Experience

The workshop from Disney discussed

their five keys to ensure every customer

has a positive experience at their parks.

These five keys are: Safety, it is their

number one priority, Courtesy, treating every indivudual with utmost respect, Inclusion, everyone belongs, Show, embrace differences, and Efficiency, proactively include different perspectives. Many of these keys can be transferred to other events and situations involving customers and therefore this

workshop has helped me to build

this skill. 

COVID-19 Safety

Over the past year, a lot of new

safety precautions have been put into

place to try and minimise the spread of

COVID-19 in the workplace. The pandemic has affected all areas of work, but especially the events sector. Disney has created a variety of different measures to ensure that their parks are safe for everyone during this time. COVID-19 safety knowledge is a very important skill to have and this workshop described a

variety of ways to ensure guest

safety at events.